"Warning: Oculus: Failed Oculus login." in Learning Path: Oculus VR Production for Unreal Engine:

I’m very new to VR development (got my Quest 2 10 days ago), and I’ve been attempting the Unreal Online Learning Path “Oculus VR Production for Unreal”.

AFAIK, I’ve followed each step correctly, but I’m unable to access data provided by Oculus Guardian, per the section “Oculus Guardian”, just before setting up the Oculus Guardian Debug View. This is a failure of the “Is Guardian Active” check, and I’m experiencing the same phenomenon described here in 1):

I don’t know if its unusual that my initial Verify Entitlement check is successful, and then my “Is Guardian Active” isn’t, but tbc, I’m able to play my Unreal level on my headset via Oculus Link, and per the tutorial (created in May 2020 for use with UE 4.24.3) I’ve created the App on my Oculus Developer dashboard as Rift, which is supposedly not to be an issue if I supply both the RiftAppId and OculusAppId in the default.ini file for the Online Subsystem Oculus plugin and in the AndroidEngine.ini.

My assumption is that the Guardian data can’t be accessed because of this initial error the output log generates:

So I’ve been reviewing my setup to see what could possible be causing that:

  • My Oculus App on my iPhone is connected actively to my Quest 2, and the Developer Mode is active

  • My Mobile Headset settings show that Guardian and USB Connection Dialogue are active in the Developer section

  • Windows 10 Desktop Oculus (Rift?) shows that I am actively connected via Oculus link

  • I’ve tested by creating a Rift App (which I’m able to run on my headset) and Quest (App Lab - which does not pass Verify Entitlement and cannot see)

  • I’ve now downloaded the Oculus Developer Hub, which shows the same connection and availability of my apps.

  • I’ve installed Oculus ADB drivers and Oculus Developer Hub for for Windows, in case that helped.

  • In order to see if I’ve made an coding error, I’ve attempted to download from Epic Vault the Oculus VR Darts Game included with the Learning Path, but it indicates I need to rebuild the Darts Module.

  • I’ve set up Visual Studio 2019, but am unable to either rebuild or manually compile this module.

  • I’ve unlogged and relogged from every device. Currently, I am reported by Oculus security section as logged into:

  • Windows PC Chrome

  • Oculus Mobile Headset

  • Windows PC Rift

  • iPhone

  • I’ve migrated the Darts build to 4.25 and 4.26 to see if that could affect things, but no luck.

I reached out to the Instructor, who is unaware of any change since May of 2020 that could be the cause, and I’ve also started a support ticket with Oculus Support, but have not yet heard back.

Has anyone else been able to succeed with with “Is Guardian Active?” with this kind of setup?

  • Quest 2
  • UE4.24.3
  • Rift
  • one Facebook account logged in
  • Oculus Link
  • Iphone Oculus App
  • “Is Guardian Active” test

AFAIK, this is a blocker that prevents progress with the rest of the Learning Path, though I may attempt to move on to other sections if there is no solution. But I have to think this is some basic oversight on my part, though i cannot imagine what at this point(!)


Hi ooghe, I’m adding your reply from another post where you found the fix to this issue. Completing the data user checkup fixed this issue for me.

I did manage to solve one of two related issues I’ve been having, which is the “Oculus: Failed Oculus login.” warning. This didn’t yet resolve the issue of my accessing Guardian functions, but if I’m ever going to access it, there is a way to get rid of the warning that you must first do.

You can read here:

forums.oculusvr.com – 18 Feb 21

Get Oculus Identity returns No Logged In user

I try to get my ID with GetOculusIdentity node but it fails and prints out LogOnlineIdentity: Warning: Oculus: Failed Oculus login. Not currently logged into Oculus. Make sure Oculus is running and you are entitled to the app.Also tried…

But basically, you have to go into the Oculus Dev Dash, go to “Edit Details” in the App, and take a look at the API section to see if you have a UserID. If you don’t, it needs to be requested by going through to Data Use Checkup, and requesting User ID and optionally User Profile. It prompts you to make your case to Oculus when you make the request, but I think those are automatically granted once you hit submit the request because I got mine immediately and it resolved the warning message.