I want to package for OpenGL ES versions 1.0+ . For the longest time my project files always build for OpenGL ES versions 1.0+ . The “Support OpenGL ES2” checkbox in settings is ticked. And "Support OpenGL ES3, is not ticked.
For some reason my AndroidManifest.xml now uses
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00030000" android:required="true" />
which forces the app up to 3.0+ .
I am not sure why this happens. I tried to find the cause of why it uses this feature now all of a sudden. Where would UnrealEngine deduct this line android:glEsVersion=“0x00030000” android:required ? and is it possible to change this?
I’m was going back in memory, trying to figure out what I did differently the last days, and the only thing I can tie to OpenGL ES 3 is, in the editor, I set everything to cinematic to take screenshots, but this is back to low again.