In network multiplayer, when a client walks on a component added with the Relative Transform of add XXXXComponent flipped upside down, it moves in the opposite direction on the server from the direction the client is walking.
Here is the video: 2024-07-17 16-25-49.mkv (9.9 MB)
Reproduction steps
- Open UE5.4.2, create project with “Third Person” template. (selecte BLUEPRINT project)
- In content browser, create new Blueprint Class with Actor as its parent class.
- Open the event graph for the class created in 2. and enter the blueprint in the link: blueprint
- Place that actor on the level.
- Change Play Options to:
- Number of Players: 2
- Net Mode: Play As Listen Server
- When the game starts and the client walks on the generated mesh, if the client walks in the y-axis direction, the character walks in the opposite direction on the server. (the x-axis direction is not reversed.)
Apparently, walking toward the direction rotated by Relative Transform will flip it.
Output warnings
While the client is walking on the mesh, the following warning is output to the output log:
LogNetPackageMap: Warning: FNetGUIDCache::SupportsObject: StaticMeshComponent /Game/ThirdPerson/Maps/UEDPIE_0_ThirdPersonMap.ThirdPersonMap:PersistentLevel.BP_MyActor_C_UAID_0A002700001AAB0902_1469960095.NODE_AddStaticMeshComponent-0 NOT Supported.
LogNetPlayerMovement: Warning: ClientAdjustPosition_Implementation could not resolve the new relative movement base actor, ignoring server correction! Client currently at world location X=381.541 Y=329.183 Z=142.150 on base NODE_AddStaticMeshComponent-0
(since then, these two warnings have been repeated)
How can I solve this problem of walking backwards on the server?