Wait for all clients to perform an action?


I would like my server to ask the client to load some assets. But I want to be notified on the server when all client have finished this loading.

Currently, I have a multicast RPC to trigger the clients to load the assets.
How can I notify the server when such action is finished and when do I know that all clients have answered?

I guess I could do another RPC from client to server and then count the number of time to RPC is called on the server. But how do I get the count of how many client received the multicast RPC in the first place?

If anyone has an elegant solution to this problem, I’ll be happy to hear it.
Thanks !

There isn’t an elegant solution to this.

Base line process is the assets have to notify the client, then the client (OWNING Actor) has to call back to the server. The server would need at minimum an int variable thats incremented on call back receive. It has to match (==) the joined player count (game mode).

Over all the proper way depends on the “assets” you’re loading in and the purpose. More details will go a long way as to the “proper” approach.