I have been using what seems to be a “Regular Blueprint” which has a Viewport tab, and I can pull multiple objects and even move them where I want them.
Some few of the objects I want to be able to ‘pickup’ in VR… I had thought I would need a "level Blueprint’ for this but: the Level Blueprint does not even have a VIEWPORT tab! (what good is that?)
My question:
Since I am stuck using ‘regular blueprint’ (where I can pull objects in and make what I would call a ‘scene’ (why do we need MAPS if we can pull multiple objects into a Blueprint with Viewport Tab?), HOW DO I tell ONE object in my Blueprint to be 'a PICKUP Object and the others to remain Static?
For instance:
If I have a regular Blueprint, (with a Viewport Tab) in which I have dragged in a Floor mesh, a Ceiling mesh and a Hammer mesh. How to make the Hammer a Pickup object but NOT the Floor and Ceiling? (without using Level Blueprints or even Maps ideally,…)
See, I already know I can ‘send’ all the meshes I need, (in relative placement!) with just a single Blueprint, can one or more of those objects be a ‘pickup’ object? OR can I define a seperate BP JUST FOR my Hammer, and then refer to the Hammer and it’s own BP, in my above mentioned Multi-Object regular BP (w/ Viewport tab)?
PS, I know how to MAKE an object a ‘pickup’ (by Migrating the Pickup Objects from the VR Template),
my question is much more about how to do that (or where/how to put that info) in my single arranged-multi-mesh BP (the kind of BP with a Viewport,…)
THANK YOU! Happy New Year!