Vulkan Preview Widget Actors flickering to each others widgets in VR, only when in view

In my VR project, I am previewing in Vulkan. I have two actors, both with their own respective widgets. When previewing, the two actors seem to flicker to each others respective widgets. As in each actor is switching between the other actors widget. They only start flickering when camera is in view of the other. I tried turning off anti-aliasing and putting the bounds to high numbers but neither work. Is this a Camera problem in VR Pawn, a Widget problem, or just overall Vulkan problem and I need to do a workaround for this issue.

NOTE: I tried having one actor that has two widgets but the two widgets are still flickering each others widget. So it may be a widget problem that needs an obscure setting to be fixed.

I would show a video of whats happening but im a new user. The BP takes off cast shadow in Event Begin Play for both and that is it.