VSM + Megascans Trees shadow issue

Heya lovely people,

I’m just messing around trying to make my first landscape.

I’m using a megascans tree asset on my landscape.
Virtual shadow maps are enabled.
All these meshes are nanite.

I think there’s some bug with WPO with tiles not updating correctly but unsure.

Increasing the r.Shadow.Virtual.ResolutionLodBiasDirection increases the tile sizes which makes it less noticeable but it’s not a good solution imo.

Is there something I have missed?


Ok using the static meshes doesn’t seem to be an issue because the trees aren’t in “rave” mode.

Seems like there’s probably a bug with virtual shadow maps and world position offset but I’m happy just dialing the tree movement down a lot.

This likely is caused by WPO animation outside of the mesh bounds. Look for “Out of Bounds Pixels” in the viewport “Show” menu to see if the tree is animating outside of the mesh bounds.