I wonder if there is someone who is at least partially responsible for managing VSCode support in UE5. Every few months, I am trying VSCode as an alternative to VS, since it’s much less bloated and and has much better UX than the prehistoric designed VS. And while VSCode support is slowly improving, it’s still not usable straight out of the box. I have quite a few questions:
By default, out of the box, the VSCode generated project looks like this:
"folders": [
"name": "PointCloudTest",
"path": "."
"name": "UE5",
"path": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UE_5.2"
"settings": {
"typescript.tsc.autoDetect": "off"
"extensions": {
"recommendations": [
1. What is the .ignore file for?
In the root of the project, it creates .ignore file. I searched a lot, and it doesn’t appear that he generic .ignore file is recognized by either VSCode, Intellisense or any known version control system. It seems to correctly attempt to ignore the folders that the VSCode workspace should not see, but none of the tools in the toolchain seem to be able to recognize and use the file.
2. Why does the workspace include whole UE5 install folder path, not just engine path?
When I compare typical VS project with VSCode project, it appears that VS .sln only includes the Engine folder, while VSCode includes one folder above, making the workspace unnecessarily messy. The screenshot below showcases analogous folders between VS solution and VSCode workspace. You can see that VSCode workspace is just much more bloated:
3. Why doesn’t the generated VSCode workspace exclude the non-source code folders?
If I global search for example for “GLTF” in VS with out of the box configuration, I get 4474 results and all fo them are source code related:
If I do the same in VSCode with out of the box search, I get over 11k results, because in default generated VSCode configuration, the workspace is configured to search binary folders, intermediate folders and codegen folders, so it will find tons of bloat in .rsp files and such:
I am not sure if that’s what .ignore file was supposed to do, but it’s certainly not working in any VSCode version released in this decade.
4. Why does the generated VSCode project default to externalTerminal?
By default, when UE generates VSCode project, the launch tasks in .vscode/launch.json look something like this:
"name": "Launch PointCloudTestEditor (Development)",
"request": "launch",
"program": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UE_5.2\\Engine\\Binaries\\Win64\\UnrealEditor.exe",
"preLaunchTask": "PointCloudTestEditor Win64 Development Build",
"args": [
"cwd": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UE_5.2",
"stopAtEntry": false,
"console": "externalTerminal",
"type": "cppvsdbg",
"visualizerFile": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UE_5.2\\Engine\\Extras\\VisualStudioDebugging\\Unreal.natvis",
"sourceFileMap": {
"D:\\build\\++UE5\\Sync": "C:\\Program Files\\Epic Games\\UE_5.2"
Notice the “console”: “externalTerminal” line. What this means that every single time you start a debug session or simply launch session, it will spawn a console window:
This window will be empty during the entire runtime of the editor. It only serves as bloat, as all the logging information is being outputted into VSCode’s integrated console. The window does literally nothing except adding bloat to desktop. Why doesn’t it default to “integratedTerminal” value?
5. I can fix it myself, but how do I prevent UE for wrecking all those fixes.
Ok, so we can fix all this to make VSCode user experience as smooth as VS solution.
- Let’s start with .code-workspace file. I added the directory names to exclude and set the UE5 folder include path to one level deeper into the Engine folder:
"folders": [
"name": "UE5",
"path": "C:/Program Files/Epic Games/UE_5.2/Engine"
"name": "PointCloudTest",
"path": "."
"settings": {
"typescript.tsc.autoDetect": "off",
"files.exclude": {
"Binaries/**": true,
"Build/**": true,
"Intermediate/**": true,
"Saved/**": true,
".vscode/*/*": true,
"Content/**": true,
"DerivedDataCache/**": true,
"Extras/**": true,
"Programs/**": true,
"SourceArt/**": true,
"Documentation/**": true
What this gives us is a very clean, VS solution like workspace view. I also removed the recommendations to again reduce unnecessary bloat. I also reordered the folders order. This is very minor but will make it easier to compare VSCode workspace to VS solution.
These changes give us experience much close to the VS Solution:
Next, we can go to tasks.json and replace all occurrences of “externalTerminal” with “integratedTerminal”. This will prevent the useless, always empty console window from popping up when launching debug:
And lastly, we can nuke that .ignore file. Behold, our clean, VS solution like VSCode workspace:
Everything works, no Intellisense errors (at least in the scope of our game), and the search works (we are getting roughly the same amount of results):
For the reasons I can not figure out, UE is seemingly randomly refreshing the VSCode project, even when I do not do it explicitly. This means that sooner or later, after about a day or two of work, UE will just straight up reset my VSCode project, causing:
- The .vscode-workspace to reset to default, deleting all the folder and file exclusion, reordering the Folders.
- Changing the path from UE install folder/Engine back to UE install folder.
- Resetting integratedTerminal in tasks.json back to externalTerminal.
- Re-adding the deleted .ignore file.
I have no clue how to stop UE destroying the fixes.
So I guess my questions in general are:
- Why isn’t the VSCode UX out of the box closer to VS solution one, when the changes necessary are relatively small?
- What is the .ignore file for? Is it really useful for something, or is it legacy oversight?
- If I fix all the stuff myself, how can I ensure UE won’t reset the changes periodically?
Thanks in advance.