VRTemplate - Change Pawn Parent Class to Character

Hello, Iam using the VR Template Blueprint and recently changed my Pawn to a Character.
In the preview everything seems fine but if i use my VR Headset and test it, my room scale area is hovering over the ground.
Is there something i missed while switching from Pawn to Character? I didn’t modify anything else in the template.

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ACharacter doesn’t work by default for roomscale VR, as the root of ACharacter is a Capsule Collision, with its origin at the center. You can hack this in blueprints by adding a SceneComponent as a child of the capsule, move the Camera and MotionController(s) to be a child of the new SceneComponent. Then, on Tick, set the location of the SceneComponent to the bottom of the capsule (I typically set it to CapsuleLocation - CapsuleHalfHeight).

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Thank you so much its working! :slight_smile:

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I am trying to make a lift in Unreal VR . I want the pawn and camera to move with the lift floor. But the camera moves down a little when the lift floor goes up. If I share my blue print or level blue print and the video can you please let me know how to tackle it, please?