Hi everyone, first post here
I am trying to connect Twinmotion to my company’s Meta Quest 2 in order to being able to show our clients our projects without using the annoying cable.
I tried AirLink and SteamVR:
- AirLink was impossible to operate. It just never connected. Literally never. It shows my pc but then i get errors and the connection never takes place. For those reasons i completely abbandoned it.
- SteamVR on the other side connected perfectly and immediately. But i cannot find a way to make it visible to Twinmotion. When i’m connected (i can even see my desktop through the headset) and i go to the VR button in Twinmotion i get the message “connect a VR headset and restart”.
Does it mean Twinmotion works ONLY via the annyoing Link cable or there something i can do to make it work with SteamVR?
Thanks a lot for your help