VR through AirLink and SteamVR

Hi everyone, first post here :slight_smile:
I am trying to connect Twinmotion to my company’s Meta Quest 2 in order to being able to show our clients our projects without using the annoying cable.
I tried AirLink and SteamVR:

  • AirLink was impossible to operate. It just never connected. Literally never. It shows my pc but then i get errors and the connection never takes place. For those reasons i completely abbandoned it.
  • SteamVR on the other side connected perfectly and immediately. But i cannot find a way to make it visible to Twinmotion. When i’m connected (i can even see my desktop through the headset) and i go to the VR button in Twinmotion i get the message “connect a VR headset and restart”.

Does it mean Twinmotion works ONLY via the annyoing Link cable or there something i can do to make it work with SteamVR?

Thanks a lot for your help

If you have both Meta and Steam on your computer, the Open XR drivers are conflicting. This could be why you didn’t manage to connect using Airlink

You have to open the meta quest link application, and change the open XR option as described here:

Thank you for your reply. The AirLink never worked, not even before instaling steamVR. I even changed some reg keys to make Meta Quest Link the default OpenXR Runtime (the button didn’t work) but still i cannot connect.
Having TM to stream to SteamVR would be a good solution.

It should work. The following matrix is working for quest connection:
Twinmotion → Meta Quest Link → (Cable) → Quest
Twinmotion → Meta Quest Link → (Wifi) → Mode Airlink → Quest
Twinmotion → SteamVR → Meta Quest Link → (Cable) → Quest
Twinmotion → SteamVR → Meta Quest Link → (Wifi) → Mode Airlink → Quest
Twinmotion → SteamVR → (Wifi) → Steam Link → Quest
Twinmotion → Virtual Desktop Streamer → (Wifi) → Virtual Desktop → Quest
Twinmotion → ALVR Streamer → (Wifi) → ALVR → Quest

does you headset recognize the steam link using wifi?

I uninstalled everything and reinstalled everything and now it seems to work.
Only using SteamVR and SteamLink. I think the problem was nothing was set as active openXR runtime. I messed up a bit with registry keys (i did it before uninstalling everything and i don’t knwo if that was the solution) and now it recognises SteamVr when i select start VR in Twinmotion.

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