Has anyone ever tried to get the VR template migrated into the Sidescroller template? I can’t seem to get both the controls for the character and the VR hands working at the same time.
At the moment I have the controls for the side scroller character working using an interface but the hands have vanished on me.
you’re posessing one pawn at a time. this posessed pawn gets your input. i would try to put your input logics in the player controller (it gets your inputs which are not handled by a posessed pawn), and from this posess eg the vr and do your regular inputs, and from the PC get a ref to the sidescrollerCharBP and call the relevant actions on it.
sound like having some brainfart today, but I guess you get what I mean
Curious, do I not need to use a blueprint interface? I found another persons suggestion earlier trying to do third person template with vr template and they said to use one. Instead of having a separate player controller with logic it looked like they used the interface blueprint and added it to both.
They had in the vr motion pawn the inputs get all actors of class and call the function in the interface, then on the side scroller pawn call them with an event and plugging it into the logic of jump, move etc.
Interfaces are never wrong. It is Just Like a contract saying, who ever uses the Interface needs (in bp should) implement the function Foo with it’s parameters a and b (for example). So you can save Castings and don’t get hard references between classes which is good. What I mean, implement eg. Event Shoot in your VR pawn which shoots a Missile from your Motioncontroller and an Event JUMP INSIDE the sidescroller pawn which let him JUMP. Set the Input Events in your Player Controller and make a variable references the sidescroller character. In the sidescroller pawn beginPlay, get the Player Controller and assign self to the variable reference of the sidescrollerChar. Then you can call INSIDE your PC the JUMP Event Out of that references and the fire Event from the VR pawn by getControlledPawn and Cast to VR Pawn (when it is the Default pawn to Spawn in gamemmode or manually placed in world with autoPosess Setup). This would Work. Yes you could also use Interfaces for that Like a Interface function “Action” you call from your PC once in sidescrollerReg and once in getControlledPawn and implement in These classes once the JUMP and once the shoot, eg
So, you’re saying instead of doing it like in this video here, I should NOT try to copy and paste the entire functionality to the player controller and instead just make a reference variable in the VR / Sidescroller pawns and then do the Input Event in the player controller that calls the references?
Should I keep the motion pawn as the default pawn in the game mode?
“In the sidescroller pawn beginPlay, get the Player Controller and assign self to the variable reference of the sidescrollerChar.”
I can’t seem to be able to do this, I create a object variable but I do not know how to assign it to anything in the SideScroller BP. Do you have an image I can reference on how to do this? Feel like a dummy…