VR Template Teleport problem with more floors

Hi all,

I have this issue with VR Teleport BP in 4.13.2.
I added ceiling to tutorial level and the problem is the same!

When you point at the wall (with blocking collision or NavModifier) and you have ground floor and ceiling, teleport spot is reflecting strange.
What I need is to always be reflected just to actual floor.

this is what I wish for :). To reflect always on ground floor.

  1. this not!!! Reflecting on ceiling

I supose it could work with some distance and vectors to Nav Volume and to use more Nav Volumes. One for every floor?

Any help or Idea is welcome.

I’m guessing a collision setting would do the trick.

For example, set the ceiling to invisible wall or a custom setting that blocks the player but not the trace.

I’m having the exact same issue. Have you found a solution yet?

same issue on a two floor appartment for vive.
i need the player can walk on the second floor but not teleporting trough the ceiling.
i will search again.
if you have any idea . it would be good.

Teleport setting doesn’t do the trick. I wish there is way to fix this in the blueprint but the workaround so far is to turn off all collision on the walls. So that it can’t climb up. If your floor goes behind the walls, then you need to create a blocking volume or collision mesh) for the floor area you want to be valid teleport locations.

Same issue here ! Have you fix it ? I don’t understand very well your “solution”.


Here is the solution: go into the function called Trace teleport destination (1st image), in the Break hit result find the Normal, break it into floats and check for the Z to be positive. If it’s negative it points downwards so make the IsCeiling boolean true (of course create the boolean first). Also lower the Project Nav Extends variable (100 worked for me). This will avoid accidental picking the next floor. Now go to the MotionControllerPawn (2nd image), check if the IsCeiling variable is true, if yes, set IsTeleporting false and disable the teleporter.


Works perfect for me! thanks! :slight_smile:

maybe someone will have a similar problem with this in UE5 with the meta quest. It helped me: VRPAWN->Class default settings → details: teleport project point to navigation… change the Z value to 120. Everything.