İ am trying to understand the logic and system for VR. VR template has 2 options . Motion Controller Map . and HMD Locomotion map.
Explanations say that Oculus Rift uses HMD Motion controller is specific for HTC Vive. HTC has motion controllers beacause of that controller map is Motion Controller map.
But Oculus has also controller so we cannot use Motion controller map for Oculus?
Thank you for replies sorry for many questions also)
Yes you can…it works perfectly. The difference is only the HMD motion controller uses the HMD as motion controller, means you have a pointer that helps you selecting stuff just looking at it…no controllers needed in your hands…like for SteamVR and all others HMD that uses smartphones.
MotionController map is for HMD’s like Oculus and HTC that do use controllers (Touch for Oculus). You use your controllers there to teleport, grab stuff, and whatever you program them to do.