VR template - Gravity applied to VR Pawn?

Is it possible to get the VR pawn to fall down to objects below it? If you walk off a platform now you stay in space.

I’d be interested to know this too.

Never played with it, but the first place I’d start would be to do a trace down and if it is >= CertainLength then call a function. That function will calculate the distance of the trace and then run a timeline that lerps between your current position and the end of the trace. Tweak the timeline curve/length of timeline to get a gravity like effect.

Interested too for a little project using room scale and a vive tracker :wink: Actualy the only way i ve find is witth the RunebergVR Plugin who works realy fine.

@Truccool Check out my tutorial on thumbstick locomotion for ArchViz. Ii changes the standard VR Pawn into one derived from Character so it has gravity, can walk up/down stairs and ramps, terrain, etc.

I like the idea of using a line trace for gravity, anyone got an example of this?

[quote=“vr_marco, post:5, topic:75632”]

@Truccool Check out my tutorial on thumbstick locomotion for ArchViz. Ii changes the standard VR Pawn into one derived from Character so it has gravity, can walk up/down stairs and ramps, terrain, etc.

This was excellent thank you. Did you mention something about a conflict between game controller and teleporting ? How to avoid that.