VR splash screen crash

hi all,
I tried to implement the VR splash screen in 4.20.1 with no luck as it keeps crashing when using the “open level” blueprint node (have not tried with anything else though). I am not sure where the problem lies because when using the open level node I get tons of errors that have never seen before when opening the map manually (mostly blueprint erros of type “accessed none…”). Am I doing something wrong, is the splash screen function bugged or isnt the open level blueprint working anymore? I am using HTC Vive



Hi There I’m new to UE4 But what I can say is try to do it in viewport then bring it in VR preview
you can find tutorials on youtube

I have the same problem and didnt find out any solution yet…

Hi there

have you guys tried to put a widget in front of the camera on event begin?

Sorry guys for the late reply, the steam splash actually works well when published… mea culpa

Are you saying that the VR Splashscreen works in packaged builds, even though it still fails in editor? (Tested on UE4.22)

Mine asserts here:
void FSteamSplashTicker::Tick(float DeltaTime)
int32 Dummy = 0;

// Note, that we use the fact that BridgeBaseImpl::Present only returns false when VRCompositor is null,
// even though when used by the renderer as an indication whether normal present is needed.
if (SteamVRHMD->bSplashIsShown && SteamVRHMD->pBridge && SteamVRHMD->pBridge->Present(Dummy))
