hi all,
I tried to implement the VR splash screen in 4.20.1 with no luck as it keeps crashing when using the “open level” blueprint node (have not tried with anything else though). I am not sure where the problem lies because when using the open level node I get tons of errors that have never seen before when opening the map manually (mostly blueprint erros of type “accessed none…”). Am I doing something wrong, is the splash screen function bugged or isnt the open level blueprint working anymore? I am using HTC Vive
// Note, that we use the fact that BridgeBaseImpl::Present only returns false when VRCompositor is null,
// even though when used by the renderer as an indication whether normal present is needed.
if (SteamVRHMD->bSplashIsShown && SteamVRHMD->pBridge && SteamVRHMD->pBridge->Present(Dummy))