VR shaky distorted image after update to ue4.21


We have recently updated our project from 4.19 to 4.21 and now an image is a little shaky in VR. Everything was working smoothly before an update. Anyone else had any problems like this?

Also, shaking can be noticed in a preview screen if you set “vr.SpectatorScreenMode = 3”. It is not visible in any other modes.


Need this too!!!

Hey guys,

I’m not seeing what you’re describing. What are the steps to reproduce this in a new project?

In my case, HMDPawn BP has UsePawnControllerRotation enabled for a CameraComponent: Screenshot by Lightshot
Location of the HMD is updated from live motion capture data.

Note: If I enable an option LockToHMD, there will be no lag, but it is a not a solution for me because it ads an unnecessary HMD location displacement.

Note: Everything was working fine in UE4.19 and no changes were made to Pawn or PlayerController.

We are using Oculus HMD

So I have found an issue. Had to create a custom CamerComponent class (inherited of UCameraComponent) and override GetCameraView method.

This was a solution for me: VIVE HMD Lag When 'Lock To HMD' is Set to Off in 4.20. - XR Development - Epic Developer Community Forums