VR Setup- CPU load?

I don’t have a VR setup so can’t test this question myself. Hopefully someone can provide some insight.

I understand that a non-VR project (that is intended to later run in a VR project) will have to take into consideration that twice the number of primitives will be rendered for the stereoscopic offset (potentially resulting in a doubling of the frame (ms) duration (and halving the FPS?).

With that in mind,
imagine a basic non-VR project that has one primitive, i.e., a basic cube rendered 300 times per frame in a Blueprint ForLoop. Let’s say the performance is 20 ms / 50 FPS and assume the ‘Tick Interval’ is 0.1.

If that non-VR project is then run in a typical 1920 x 1080 VR setup, would the frame duration and FPS be adversely affected by the ForLoop or is the CPU load not doubled in the same way as scene primitives?

In other words,
would the non-VR project (running at 20 ms / 50 FPS) have the same performance when running in a VR setup?