I’m completely new to UE4 and VR dev but am getting to grips with the tools and they’re fantastic - looking forward to learning more!
So I’ve followed the steps in the guide 'Set Up Your Oculus Rift on the UE4 documentation and have tried to test the VR example level (VR.umap) from the Content Examples project included but the ‘VR Preview’ option under the Play dropdown is greyed out. All the other options are available.
I’m running Windows 10 64-bit, UE 4.10.1, OVR 0.7.0 runtime. I have an Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 Ti with the latest driver (361.43)
The DK2 is setup and working (tested via the config utility).
I’ve tried completely uninstalling and re-installing the Oculus runtime but to no avail. (in case it adds files to a UE directory because I had the 0.7.0 runtime installed before installing UE4).
Hmm, any ideas??