VR Preview Crashes UE5.1

My Unreal Engine VR project crashes every time I test it. I get a white screen and the same error message every time. It didn’t use to do this. One day it was working every time, now I can’t do a thing.

The same for me I have the impresision it’s the new update of the quest 2, whith VR headset do you have?

I’ve also got a Quest 2. Haven’t figured out a solution yet. Probably the new update, like you said.

ok thank you for the answer if you find something please let me know

Did a little more digging. Definitely an issue on Oculus’ end. The new update seems to be totally broken. One person said that a workaround is to install this Meta XR Plugin: https://developer.oculus.com/downloads/package/unreal-engine-5-integration/51.0

Though others said that while this works, if you are developing for PCVR for other headsets, this is not a good workaround.

After looking at some other threads one user said that setting SteamVR as the default OpenXR runtime and launching it before the editor is a good workaround.

Hopefully Oculus actually fixes this bug though.

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Meta found a fix and it will be included in the next runtime update.

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It was an update at 10 a.m. (11.17.23) but still is broken
Same issues as it were XR_ERROR_SYSTEM_INVALID

Meta repaired oculus today
Actually sometimes viewport makes kind of flexing but in HMD is all okay