VR post process z position (rain fx)

Hi, I’m making a rain post process material in Vr, to simulate rain falling on a helmet visor.
It works great, the only thing is the rain effect seems projected on a giant screen at 5m distance from the camera.
I would like to have the effect feeling like a small visor a 2cm close to the face.
Is there a settings to adjust the z position of the post process material?
I’m using TexCoord(0) with some diplacement textures paning.

Post process materials are not good for VR because most of them are screen space effects. you have to use world space approach. Make a Niagara Emitter and put it to your character.

10 meter radius will be enough.

Hey there!

I think this post might actually help you solve this issue.

While at first it appears to be unrelated, if you think about it - you can use this method to fake a stereoscopic offset and have the droplets appear much closer than on that 5ft screen ahead of you!