VR Player not Aligned Properly Until I Recenter View

I am trying to make a VR game for the quest that has full body animation and is not just floating hands. I also don’t want to teleport, I want to be able to move around with the thumb sticks.

My searching has repeatedly led me to the UBIK plugin to accomplish the head and hand tracking. I have watched some videos about this, namely these ones.

They show the upper body moving and tracking but done mention anything about the lower body at all. The character just stands in place.

I followed instructions in these videos to change the teleport into a smooth turn and movement via thumbstick. These were easy to integrate

To get the lower body to animate I used the third person animation blueprint. Essentially I fed the output of it into the UBIK

This is the essence of what my VRPawn looks like

The biggest issue that I’m facing is that when the player spawns into the word he may not be aligned properly with capsule. For a while the player would spawn in and be a few feet to the side of his collision capsule. That seemed to go away after a while.

Then today the player would be inside his collision capsule and everything was looking OK, but he was actually facing 180 ways the wrong direction. So strafing left caused the player to move right.

Both of these issues would fix themselves once I recentered view on the quest.

I’m basically starting for a brand new VR controller so there is not a lot of legacy to deal with.

Any info would be appreciated.