VR Pawn Collision not working in packaged game

I set up a TriggerVolume in the level. I want the VR user to trigger things when they move around in real space. But the VR motion controller pawn seems to have no collision (that works with a TriggerVolume). So I made a version of the Motion controller Pawn with a capsule around the camera. This works in the VR preview. I had to explicity posess the pawn and make sure the player is overlapping as I was getting false triggers from other objects and only wanted the player to trigger. I also explicitly set the pawn in the level to 'Auto posess player 0’.

This collision works in VR preview, but not in packaged game. Doh! I tried with a Game mode setting the default pawn and without. No difference.
Please help

I’ve also encountered the same issue and have conducted many tests, but still couldn’t solve the problem…

Why does collision work in the preview, but not in the packaged game?