VR modular building system for multiplayer

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to achieve a simple building system for a multiplayer VR-Game where the host as well as the clients are able to place, rotate and move modular parts (Walls, doors, Monitors, Ceiling, …).

When I’m looking into building systems for 1st person games, most of the times people aren’t using a “catalogue” to choose the part they want to place, but setting up different hotkeys for different parts.
For example: 1 is the floor, 2 is simple wall, 3 is wall with window, and so on.
This may not work for VR because of the limited buttons to choose from. I would like to have a menu where the player can select what he wants.

In conclusion, what I want to get is the following:

1.: Player (Host and clients) can choose a modular piece from a catalogue, then spawn it in the level and place it
2.: Objects should snap together
3.: Placed objects need to have collision.

The basic structure of this system will be pretty similar to the ones from 1st person games I guess. for the placing i think the best would be to use a line trace from the motioncontroller, snapping could be done by alligning to the grid (since I’m using modular parts).

I did not find a tutorial for someting like this in the interwebs so far, maybe some of you guys know where I could have a look.

Your help is much appreciated!

