VR Mode Error Message: "Stereoview Primary Splitscreen-Like"

I’m trying to create an experimental VR scene with Lumen and Nanite, and I’ve managed to package the project and ran it on an Oculus Rift (albeit at low frame rate).

The one thing that’s bugging me at the moment is a red error message in the top-left of the Editor Viewport and VR Rift display (including in the packaged build). It says:

“StereoView Primary
Stereo Rendering Method: MultiViewport”


I’ve also seen a different message that said
“Stereo Rendering Method: SplitScreen-Like”

I’ve searched online and can’t find anything about this message. Why is it occurring and how can I get rid of it? The rest of the project seems to work as expected.

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Me too

I also have this problem. I’m working on Hololens 2 and this message appear in top left corner. That’s very annoying. Any ideas ?