Hello! We are creating a local multiplayer experience where Player 1 is in VR and Player 2 is on keyboard & mouse.
The issue I’m having the VR player head rotation is crossing over to both players. Even though Player 2 keyboard/mouse input works, it gets overridden by any shared input with Player 1 (Player Controller 2’s “ControlRotation” is the same as PlayerController 1).
Note that Player 1 uses a CameraComponent and Player 2 uses the PlayerCameraManager (Player 2 doesn’t have a camera component to uncheck “LockOnHMD”).
Does anyone know how to prevent the VR head rotation from bleeding into the second player controller’s ControlRotation?
Also, is there a way to disable “LockonHMD” for a camera manager like for the camera component? Or is there only one camera manager per game and it’d be strictly controlled by the VR player?