VR Local Multiplayer: Prevent VR Possessing All Controllers

Hello! We are creating a local multiplayer experience where Player 1 is in VR and Player 2 is on keyboard & mouse.

The issue I’m having the VR player head rotation is crossing over to both players. Even though Player 2 keyboard/mouse input works, it gets overridden by any shared input with Player 1 (Player Controller 2’s “ControlRotation” is the same as PlayerController 1).

Note that Player 1 uses a CameraComponent and Player 2 uses the PlayerCameraManager (Player 2 doesn’t have a camera component to uncheck “LockOnHMD”).

Does anyone know how to prevent the VR head rotation from bleeding into the second player controller’s ControlRotation?

Also, is there a way to disable “LockonHMD” for a camera manager like for the camera component? Or is there only one camera manager per game and it’d be strictly controlled by the VR player?

Well, that’s strange.

My flatscreen player’s character does not have a camera component (camera’s controlled by the camera manager).

I added a camera component to it and disabled “LockOnHMD”. Now my flatscreen character has complete control of my character’s rotation.

Don’t ask me why, but if it works, what does it matter…

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