I can’t get the DK2 to work in a “Standalone Game”.
If I check “ovrversion” in the console of the standalone, then I get the following message:
“Command not recognised: ovrversion”
(The same for “HMD Enable” or “stereo on”)
Tested UE Versions: UE 4.10.4 and UE 4.11 preview 7
Same problem in both versions.
I have Uninstalled and reinstalled both.
The “VR-preview” is working fine, but not in the standalone.
I have checked all steps in the Wiki:
- Oculus Rift Plugin is enabled
- Rift DK2 is working in other (non UE4 Demos) and in UE4 VR-Preview
Windows 7 64bit
gtx 980
Oculus Runtime 0.8
Any Idea what I could do to fix this?
I have searched the forum, but none of the solutions is working.