VR - How to teleport on overlap


I’m wondering how I can teleport my vr player on actor begin to overlap on a TriggerVolume.

Must be something I’m missing because this is what I did.

  • Create projet using the vr preset game
  • Create a triggerVolume
  • Setup a “on actor begin overlap”

I’ve try this and when I enter the volume of the trigger I’m not teleported to my specific destination.
I tried with creating and actor to teleport to the location of the actor.
I tried creating a vrpawn setuped to player 0…
Seems like I’m missing something?!

Any help is really appreciate, sorry I’m a n00b…

Thank you so much.

Put a print string here

to check it’s firing…

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I just did and it’s not triggering… :frowning:

I tried the same logic in a first person game and it’s working… ■■■■…

Ok so because you made me realize the event was not triggering I found the solution. Thanks.

Solution here

I got it working, see here: VR Motion Controllers won’t generate Overlap events! : unrealengine (reddit.com)

  1. Open VRPawn Blueprint
  2. Select the HandRight Skeletal Mesh
  3. Under Collision, click “Generate Overlap Events” and Select “OverlapAllDynamic” from Collision Presets
  4. Open the Skeletal Mesh
  5. Go to Physics Asset and create a new Physics Asset.
  6. Add Collision to the physic asset
  7. Repeat for other hand
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:+1: :sunglasses:

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