VR "Hmd Mirror off" doesn't close window

Question title self-explanatory.

When I call “hmd mirror off” it doesn’t close the window. The window stays open and just doesn’t update anymore.

Is there a separate command to call to hide the mirror window or is this a bug?

Oh, and I’m using an Oculus DK2 with runtime 1.3 if that is of any importance.


Does the Stereo Off command do what you want?

Stereo off also turns off VR. I’d like to get rid of the mirror window entirely or be able to toggle it on and off.

Is this type of thing possible? Right now I’m just force minimizing the window though that works like alt tab so keyboard and mouse commands dont get captured in background.

Hmd mirror off just makes the mirror window hang on my end and leaves the window open. I want it hidden and capturing input.

Did you try “hmd mirror mode 2”

  1. HMD mirror mode 0’: default
  2. HMD mirror mode 1’: Undistorted stereo
  3. HMD mirror mode 2’ : Undistorted single eye
  4. ‘HMD mirror 960x1080’ : sets mirror window to desired dimensions

This will keep the client window open just in a different mirror mode. I want to hide the window altogether without having to relinquish mouse and keyboard control to the desktop.

There’s a much more thorough list of VR console commands on this Japanese site:
Maybe this will do what you need.

Shift + F1 doesn’t work?