Vr headset tracking lag with packaged version only

hi, I will start by saying that I am new to Unreal Engine I usually use Unity but for this project, we decided to switch to Unreal.

We are building a very simple VR game that we will need to use in an experiment, when we play in the editor everything looks fine. The tracking is perfect no delay etc but in the packaged version we have a problem with the tracking of the headset. It basically feels delayed. Every time you move your head there is a sling effect. There is no stuttering or frame loss the image simply moves a few instants later and it is very nauseating.

We checked if it was a performance issue but it didn’t seem so, the frame time is around 7ms and we tried to run the headset at 90 HZ (around 11ms) but the problem was still there. Strangely enough this morning when I started working and it worked fine the first time but the second time it started lagging again.

We are using a valve index and in unreal engine we used open XR.

Thank you

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Were you able to resolve this? I’ve got the exact same issue albeit with an HTC Vive. In a packaged project the tracking is delayed but in VR preview, everything is fine. I’m running UE 5.2.1 with the ViveOpenXR and OpenXR plugins enabled. I can take the same project and run it on an Oculus Rift and Quest 2 and there is no delay. These, however, are NOT using the OpenXR plugin/runtime.

Having the same issue. Occulus is fine, on Vive there is headset delay even at 80fps. I really hope there is a solution tot his as it is impossible to release a product at this stage

This issue has been fixed on UE5/Main here: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/899a4c0874f2af141c5b42ea48d282c11a471ba7

The fix should go into the 5.3.2 hotfix.


Hey Victor, thanks, this is good news. I need to send a patch asap, so i’m going to build the source. I was just wondering 2 things:

  1. Any idea when 5.3.2 might release? I understand if you cannot say.
  2. If there any way through git to know what is currently in 5.3.2? I don’t see a tag for it. So if I build 5.4 (main) my concern is that I’m going to have issues rolling back to 5.3.2. I guess I could build 5.3.1 source and apply the fix.
  1. Yeah we don’t announce that as there are several factors at play that can delay the release.
  2. The 5.3 branch has all of the current changes that will go into the next hotfix: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/5.3. Once the hotfix is released, we update the release branch: https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/tree/release. If you use the 5.3 branch, then you’ll most likely be able to switch to 5.3.2 when it gets released, but always(!) make sure you have a backup of your project.
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Thanks. I checked the 5.3 branch and that fix isn’t in there. I ended up downloading release and applying the change. Was just wondering if there was a better way.

Hello, I don’t know what engine version you are using. I am using the 5.3.2 engine version, which is compiled based on the source code. If you want to solve this problem, you need to manually change the Engine/Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/ Source/OpenXRHMD/Private/OpenXRHMD.cpp and Engine/Plugins/Runtime/OpenXR/Source/OpenXRHMD/Private/OpenXRHMD.h are from the website https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/899a4c0874f2af141c5b42ea48d282c11a471ba7 The problem can be solved by modifying the method and then recompiling the engine. This is caused by a bug in openxrHMD.

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I get the same problem, VR works absolutly fine in Editor but has weird slinging effect when i move my head in the build game. Is there any way to solve this issue? I dont use a source built of the engine. Thanks in advance for the help.

Hey Victor, is there anything i can do without using the source version of the engine? I get the same weird slinging Lag when i move my head. This only occurs in the build game, in PIE its fine. Thanks in advance!

Thanks, your solution worked! But there is a little bug, you need to fix when you build the Engine. VS will give you an error that a function has 1 Argument, that it cannot accept. Just delete that argument and build the engine. After that it works.

I seem to be experiencing this issue on 5.3.2 as well; seems like the fix didn’t actually make it into the 5.3.2 patch?

Just confirmed that the fix did not, in fact, make it into 5.3.2 release. For anybody experiencing this issue, you have to either compile from source with the fix applied as mentioned above, or wait for 5.4 release.

None of the links above are live anymore - I have made a new thread about this, it has no activity however. Is there a fix or no? Waiting for 5.4 seems unreasonable

The engine code is not open-source. You need to connect your GitHub account to your Epic account in order to access it.

If anyone is still dealing with this issue, the change did make it into 5.4 so updating should resolve this

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