VR Expansion Plugin

Oh my bad … let me try again.

i need help in activating particles while the lever is used ir he knob… and can it be relative to the angle

thanks and regards

Vive_PawnCharacter / SimpleVive_PawnCharacter


Hi mordental,
First thanks for your plugin.
I tried in UE4.18 your Game Template which is using the Vive_PawnCharacter and it is working perfect on my setup for standing only.
I started a clean VR project in 4.18 and loaded your plugin.
As I don’t need all functionalities from the Vive_PawnCharacter I choosed to migrate in my project the SimpleVive_PawnCharacter of your example template.
In my project the SimpleVive_PawnCharacter is acting differently as the Vive_PawnCharacter :
When I move my head the blue circle of the SteamVR chaperone is moving also with the head.
How to avoid that ?
Thank you for your cooperation.

Do you mean the SteamVRChaperoneComponent that epic created? Because the ACTUAL steamVR chaperone is composited in later and isn’t effected by gameplay.

For the simple character the chaperone component isn’t going to function visually because the entire character moves when the HMD moves. The OutOfBounds and InBounds functions should still work correctly, but the component itself will follow you with your motions so anything you attach to it won’t behave the same.

Its one of the downsides of the simple character being outside of Epics preferred VR workflow. You can still manually place objects around you by offsetting by the HMD location. But in the end it would probably be easier to just use the VRCharacter.

I also think you might be confused by the naming convention in the template, the Vive_PawnCharacter and SimpleVive_PawnCharacter are the same blueprint base, the Simple tag isn’t saying that it has less implemented in it, the Simple tag is saying that it uses the SimpleVRCharacter c++ class.

I intend to make a basic barebones character for the template soon so people don’t have to remove a bunch of things they don’t need, but until then if you just want a basic character you should make a new one and only port over what you want, everyone is going to want something different.

Vive_PawnCharacter / SimpleVive_PawnCharacter
Thanks for the answer. I will go for the VRcharacter.:slight_smile:

Current version of the template demo is now using an experimental branch with a new movement system for the std VRCharacter. If anyone gets the time, I wouldn’t mind feedback on if you can notice a difference (you shouldn’t). It is far less hacky than the original method and should allow me to do some more neat little features in the future.

I have been searching and searching for but I cannot find it anywhere. If I sign up for your Patreon for a year (@ $25), would you possibly set function up for me? I really think if I can get the ducking part working (so I can crawl under objects without them blocking me) then all the functionality for my game will be ready with the rest of your existing template. Essentially, I just need the player to duck and crawl under a desk and various other objects. However, I want the player to be blocked if they are standing up and simply try to walk through those objects. Your blocking setup is awesome, how the world gets pushed away… but it seems like that static capsule size is what not allowing me to crawl under things.

Ideally the capsule would dynamically adjust to the height of the HMD while still allowing for full use of the hand controllers. Thank you.

template is fantastic, I’m migrating a project of mine to at the moment, really happy with !
I have three questions I hope someone can answer.
1: The teleportation is not accurate and never has been with template. I’m not teleported exactly to where I clicked, but about a meter off or something. Sometimes it’s hard to reach objects that way if you run out of realworld space. is anyone else experiencing and is there a fix?
2: I teleport through ceilings between floors many times which I don’t want and can’t seem to stop it with a navmesh-bound or collisions (just like with the Epic VR template btw). Is there a way to fix once and for all?
3: Is the multidirectional lever in the template at the moment? I can’t seem to find it. I could really use it right now for helicopter controls.

Here is a screenshot of my project for a customer:

Kind regards!Bewaren

I don’t lock feature requests behind patreon, also like I said it is already there as an example.

Here is a paste of the basic setup that is in the character graph: Capsule Resize posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

You then would likely want to do something like: Test posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine

To black out vision if they stand up into an object since there isn’t vertical pushback, but that is all based on level layout and gameplay choices.


I previously sent you the pull request for using the ParentRelAttach at foot location. Well I was continuing with attaching a Skeletal Mesh to it with some IK system.

Now I was looking forward to also use your Grip system with all of its benefits but I am not sure how I can make a GrippableActor to be attached to the Hand of the skeletal mesh and not to the motion controller. When using IK system sometimes the hand is quiet far away from where the motion controller is and it is not a fixed offset over time.

I made a socket on the FullBody skeletal hand for a sphere to check for nearest objects. Then I used SetGripAdditionTransform each tick in the GrippableStaticMesh actor to add offset between the skeletal mesh hand socket and the location of the motion controller.

It was not working as of now, but I am also wondering if there is a better way to do it. Maybe I should change the IK system so the Skeletal Mesh hand is always at the same position of the hand? I was trying to avoid that…

Hope it makes sense what I wrote.

Its not currently directly supported, mostly because in general the goal of the IK should be to get the hand to the non late updated position in the first place and secondarily because late updates are entirely useless then.

However I have it on my list of things to eventually get around to, being able to set an offset location to track instead that is, it would be useful for some specific features.

That being said, if you aren’t actually using them for hands, you can just use them for gripping components instead, there is actually an option to turn off tracking the motion controllers with them (for the FPS character). So you could totally attach “dumb” controllers to the hand mesh and they wouldn’t have the tracking additional overhead.

bool bUseWithoutTracking; will ignore the actual motion controllers location and skip all of the tracked device code, basically making it just a component that grips things.

That one worked ! Thank you very much. Thats actually all I need for now.

Maybe in the future I will check with “SetGripAdditionTransform” to make it an input somewhere in the GripObject function. Like a Socket Input for Skeletal Mesh hands for example.

If I will get something working I surely will send you another PR.

Kind Regards



I really appreciate your help and I don’t mean to be a bother, but I cannot figure out what I need to change or add to the blueprint in order to implement the capsule size change for when I kneel down or crawl. I do not mind having no vertical pushback, I can black them out with PostProsessingVolumes.

Would you please help me figure out the kneeling thing and capsule resize thing? I know you are busy with your own things, but would really help me out and it’s the only thing setting me back. Thank you.

You literally just find that section in the character event graph and hook the timer up on begin play…Then it handles itself.

I am so sorry for not understanding that, but so thankful for your help.

Hi all,

so, is probably a bit of a noob question, but why is the resolution set to these values in several places in the Steam_VR_Player_Controller blueprint (r.setres 1280x720w in the InitHMD function)? What resolution are we setting here? Not the HMD resolution (the VIVE is 1080x1200 or 2160x1200)?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Its the preview window, but I need to go and move that later anyway.

Is there a reason why I cannot trigger OnBegingOverlaps when I walk inside of a Collision Box? Or why my hands (controllers) do not trigger Collision boxes? I have checked to make sure the HeadMesh generates overlaps… collision set to Overlap all Dynamic… CCD.

I have also tried casting to the VR Pawn

You’ll find in all VR projects for the most part, though it is something that for the capsule I just fixed in a large commit I was working on past week.

you can work around it with https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest…nts/index.html

Sorry for the late reply, have been trying to bang out new update.

I just pushed a beta branch to the plugin that totally overhauls / refactors the VRcharacters movement system and adds a ton of new features. I hope to get some stability testing in soon and show it off and why it is 100% better than the old one.

I want to get it out prior to my wife giving birth so that I don’t having it nagging at the back of my mind on my down time.

It solves the majority of issues that have bugged me since plugin began, it also allows bAllowWalkingOffLedges and correct Capsule overlap start/stop events and correct wall deflection and step ups at the same time.

Once again, the demo project is updated to new version and is live with all improvements, though it doesn’t use some of the new features, it does use the overhauled movement system.

Its likely not noticeable to most of you outside of walking into walls or playing multiplayer so I plan to make a full video going over the differences soon.

I will note, that is the first time that I have been “happy” with the state of the VRCharacter personally, it always hit a little under the mark I set for it before.

What about attaching an invisible Cube mesh to the pawn that is set to trigger overlaps? Or to the camera so it follows the player?

I know worked for the Unreal VR Template.