VR Expansion Plugin

I got the project to open in 4.15 only but I can’t do anything with the project. I am unable to set the gamemode to SteamVR and I get the blueprint error codes and template map error you mentioned I can’t open anything. Is there a way to fix it?

Hey . Steam voice works great and your 90,000 tri microphone is looks cool.
Am having trouble with one Vive client’s microphone but just need to tinker with SteamVR or Windows recording settings I think.
Is it possible to make the voice output play from a specific actor’s position? I.e I speak in my mic in a far-away room and my friend hears my voice through a speaker in the ceiling.
Easy voice chat is a very useful and unexpected bonus of using your code.

Many thanks.

Then you aren’t actually on 4.15 using the vanilla example project. You either changed the plugin that comes with the project or are running not in 4.15.

Re-download the project AS IS, run under 4.15 after compiling, it should be fine.

Sadly no, there is no way to access the AudioComponents used by VOIP for subsystems through a plugin currently (everything to do with them is locked in private structures and functions in the voice engine). I have high hopes that post the 4.16 overhaul of the audio engine that they may open up more but from all presentations I have seen so far they haven’t mentioned it (it is constantly asked for by the community).

You can run a custom build of the engine and provide access to the AudioComponentStream array (move it from private to public) or create a generic subsystem function to retrieve that array so you can run audio processing on it. The back end array stores voice information including the audio component reference in a Map with the UniqueNetID as a Key.

Edit Thats a free use microphone by the way, which explains the polycount :stuck_out_tongue: I should probably make my own in something to replace it.

I’ve been using mitchemmc’s vr examples which works somewhat but the browser i think makes it difficult to work with in blueprints. I was wondering if you may be able to improve on vr interaction as your plugin seems to go further into the code as far as i can tell. Obviously if you have time it would be a great feature to have for all sorts of vr projects. Maybe you could take a look at mitchemmc’s works and see whats possible? Thanks.

I’m not entirely sure what you are asking for…a keyboard implementation?

I’ll keep an eye on audio developments in future with a view to trying something like . Thanks for the info. As is, the voice functionality is very welcome.

I get error codes:

And a empty one saying "Failed to produce "“item “”\plugins\VRExpansionpluginVRExpansionplugin\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-VRExpansionPlugin.dll”

When trying to build the project through the “project”.sln

I download the zip and extract everything inside the folder “-vrexpansionplugin-4e05f510c1bf” to project main folder\Plugins\VRExpansionPlugin
I then add VRExpansionPlugin to PublicDependencyModuleNames on my project build.cs inside the folder source"projectName"\Project.build.cs
And then build the project from the SLN file.

C1083 is “cannot file file” which can be thrown from bad includes, i’m going to assume that you are using the wrong engine version / plugin combination as 4.14 - 4.15 had a header file change for the engine.

Otherwise I would have to see the errors themselves, not the codes

The error says: "Cannot open include file: ‘SteamVRPrivate.h’: No such file or directory

I am trying the plugin on a new blank project on engine version 4.14.3

Yeah you are using the 4.15 version on 4.14, they changed engine header files in .15.


has the 4.14 version, I highly suggest 4.15 though as it has the climbing and some more features.

Oh okey then i understand!

Any other major changes? As i want to use on a current project which is deep in development and i am only interested in basic functions such as walking in vr with a gamepad joystick and grabbing physic objects

Only small bug fixes, honestly any of the 4.15 features / changes can be back ported over if you dig into the commits.

I’ve just updated his content examples again to 4.15. It actually mostly works but there are bugs where it doesn’t register a click on some parts of the page where it should. Its good what he’s managed to get working but im hoping perhaps you could take a look? I think a web browser is very useful for some projects so hoping you might be able to improve on it.


It worked!!!

I tried it with 4.15 and it failed so I updated 4.15.0 to the new 4.15.0. Redid everything and I am now climbing in VR and shizz. Thank you !

Did you mean “GetNearestOverlappingObject”? Just making sure that I’m looking at right function :stuck_out_tongue:

I would have an extra question. When in multiplayer client seems to be having problems grapping a gun, as gun collides with player which results gun going all over place around hand (due to collision). Host can grap and move around with gun without problems (gun wont collider with host character), but second player collides with gun (own and another player gun model) which of course makes it hard to hold the gun (as it wiggle around).

Not sure if related, but I changed “Collission Presets” to “pawn”, so I could get pain volume working.

Is it possible to make the fragments of a destructible object grippable? That would be so cool.

Yeah the physics constraints can technically work on a fragment, but they aren’t traced.

Check collision on the non controller hands. Also the gun is set to ignore the original channel for the player.

Hi Everyone,

I am trying the multiplayer functionality but am not having any luck. I am connected to separate steam accounts on both pcs. Each PC can host their own game but whenever I try and join the server whether it’s LAN or not, the VR window closes on the client pc and goes to the steam loading screen where you can see the lighthouses.

Does anyone know how to get it to work or have any great articles or tuts they recommend?

Best Regards,