VR Controllers(w Late Update) are shaking like hell in large landscapes

I found a rather nasty bug related to Late Update.
This bug appears only when the primitives are far from the center of world space coordinates, and it behaves as if you have problems with a base station of controllers.
The more distant you are(from (0,0,0) in World Space) , the stronger the bug, down to unplayable at all!
According to my observations, the load of the render(draw) thread enhances the bug, But if you move again to the point of origin, then even 5,000 draw calls do not cause this error.

Checking the Bug is very simple - just create an empty VR Blueprint Project and just move the pawn away in any direction. And Strat Play

If you turn off Late Update Everything becomes ok. But playing without it is absolutely not comfortable. And can cause Simulation Sickness.

More error details:

On my system i7 8700, 64 Gb of RAM

  1. Moving a pawn to (0, 350000, 0) causes a weak jitter(At this point, you might think that something is wrong with the controllers or with the station)
  2. Moving a pawn to (0, 3500000, 0) causes a severe jitter
  3. Moving a pawn to (0, 35000000, 0) causes a Hellish tremor

This tremor, even a weak one, causes a disgust to play.
And it makes it impossible to create normal gameplay on maps larger than 1x1 km.
In fact, this is a very serious bug that greatly reduces the quality of all Unreal Vr projects, so guys pls fix this


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This isn’t a bug so much as it is an issue with the fundamentals of floating point math.

Computers have difficulty correctly dealing with large numbers stored as floats since they are actually stored as binary. The bigger the number, the more errors are introduced. Dealing with this either requres a significant part of the engine to be rewritten, or a lot of “faking it”. Read through these to get a better understanding of the problem:

What you should look into for solving your problem, is World Origin Rebasing / Shifting. It is essentially moving the world instead of moving the player, and in the process making sure that the player never really travels too far from world origin. Read this for more details: Unreal - World Composition User Guide