I’m trying to set up my game for VR, but I’m having some trouble getting started. The VR preview looks very weird, with what seems like two camera views partially overlapping. It’s also slightly blurry and moving the headset only causes the view to shake slightly instead of rotating the view. Here’s how it looks:
The camera pawn I’m using usually has a lot of custom functionality, but for this test I’ve stripped it down to just a capsule with a camera component. I think the problem might be that the game is using both this camera and a default camera that is spawned automatically, which has this view:
As you can see this is somewhat similar to the stuff in the top right of the first camera view. I’ve tried to find a way to remove the default camera without any luck so far. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this error? I’m completely green to VR, so I hope I’ve just missed some basic piece of information. Any help or suggestions is greatly appreciated.