I’m on Unreal 5.2.1 developing a VR project. I had originally based it off of the default VR project and modified it. My controllers and buttons work great when packaged and deployed to my Quest 2, but they don’t work in VR preview mode. When I create a new default VR project, everything works. I’m absolutely clueless as to why and what else to check. I’m using OpenXR and neither SteamVR nor OculusVR (MetaVR?) plugins.
Ok, after hours of trying I finally figured it out. The solution was super simple: I had two input actions with different filenames but identical descriptions. This happened when I duplicated one because I wanted to have a “left” and a “right”. Input action descriptions have to be unique. I don’t have words that are appropriate for UE 5 responding to this the way it did.
Anyways, I figured it out by performing the following steps:
Migrate my project into a fresh VR Template project.
Assigning my PMI to the VR Template project and observing that the controllers didn’t work anymore.
Deleting Input Mappings until it worked again.
Investigate what the input mapping that created issues had for its setup.
Hey @JanKu86. OpenXR doesn’t allow non-unique descriptions, but we should inform the developer of this. I’ve filed a ticket and we’re looking at improving it for 5.4.
Thank you!
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