So I’ve been trying out volumetric fog for a few weeks and have it successfully working in an outdoor environment, but I’m trying out an interior scene and getting all sorts of artifacts, especially with objects appear behind the beam that go full bright to dark as you move the camera around the scene, the volumetric fog looks low res with obvious grids as well. I thought that perhaps it was something I had clicked on by accidents, so I removed all lights, fog, particles and the same results. I checked my UV’s on the objects in case this was the cause of the problem, but this didn’t help. Any guidance would be appreciated.
I have the exact same problem with my game. I got the performance of it in VR to be acceptable, but I get weird artifacts and lighting angles from the fog. Would be cool if I could get light baked onto the fog somehow and have it not change. I’d also like a volume that negates fog because I have a map that is indoor and outdoor.
Hey dude, the volumetric fog looks like a grid because it IS a grid (it’s voxel based). If it looks too grid-like then you need to increase the quality of the grid (Settings - Quality - Epic) or make the fog less noticible / less contrast so that its gridlike nature isn’t noticible.
Lower the gridpixelsize through the console. Type: r.VolumetricFog.GridPixelSize 4
4 is a number that give me good results, you just have to looking for the number it adjust to your lighting.
In my scene, this problem appeared only when enabling RayTraced DistanceField Shadows on my Light, eg. my directional light. Can you try it out and confirm?