Hi, hope you can help me:
We are using World Origin Rebasing (from World Composition) for our game world in unreal engine 4.26. While this works very well with every system so far, the origin rebase causes problems for the volumetric clouds. At every rebase, the clouds are shiftet in an instant because they use the “Absolute World Position”-Node in their material, which does not respect the shifted world origin.
We tried adding the world origin offset (obtained from a “applyWorldOffset()”-function in an AActor) via material parameter to the absolute world position in the material, but it did not work as intended (and the shifts still happen).
So my question is: Is it possible to use the volumetric clouds with world origin rebasing in unreal engine 4.26? And if not: Is this feature supported in Unreal Engine 4.27 or 5?
Thank you for your time!