Hi, I use UE 5.2.1
When I change view (for example look right), then I see that clouds are loading:
2023-10-30 21-50-19.mkv (4.3 MB)
Could clouds load immediately without delay?
I also experienced the same thing, It appears when Exponential Height Fog and Volumetric Fog are mixed with Volumetric Cloud, with Local Exposure applied, also still recently UE 5.3.
It is predicted that this is caused by reconstruction and composition as a result of pre-mixing after the cloud ray march ends.
I know some part fixed that recently with commit -https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/pull/10728
However, it has not been completely resolved and i think still remain that the fog and mixing problems.
you can visualize cloud reconstruct texture with this console command VolumetricRenderTarget.Reconstruct.
I found this commit in UE 5.4 (https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/ca756c8821981f05829ac35cd48050e5d774a12d.) , and if this code applied, the problem is reduced.