Volumetric Cloud Layers

Hi all,

I’m trying to implement volumetric cloud layers using the UE4 Volumetric Clouds actor. I have another forum post listed [here][1]. I’ve been told to use the CloudSampleAttributes NormAltitudeInLayer to mask off different layers of the clouds. In the post, they’ve responded with lerping between a square cloud layer an a circle cloud layer, projected onto the screen by rounding off the norm altitude. I tried to do something similar and to no prevail. I get 4 layers in each cloud, but not 4 different layers. They advise against lerping, thus, I am stuck. Any help would be great!

The layers is meant to reflect the different type of cloud layers we have in our atmosphere.
I’ve just multiplied the altitude and am trying to take control of each layer with a different noise texture for now. My picture of clouds is just 2 greyscale textures multiplied at the end of that saturate.

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