Vive Tracker Pogo Input in 4.27

I am trying to restart a VR project from 2 years ago and I have discovered that the latest SteamVR build and UE version has completely broken Tracker input and position tracking. Last time it worked was in 2020 with 4.24.
I have only found one answer and it is extremely brief and couldn’t get it to work.

Long story short, the motion source no longer lists Special controller inputs and as a result can’t just switch to tracker tracking.

Does anyone here know how to get a Vive Tracker tracking in UE 4.27 with Pogo input?
I’ve seen the XR guides for camera use but that is a method I can’t follow as it doesn’t allow inputs and I am trying to make a game.

Thanks for your time.

If you are using the SteamVR plugin, make sure you have it active and not OpenXR. The plugin got updated to make the actual tracker roles available as motion sources. If the SteamVR plugin is active they should be visible in the motion source dropdown. See this post for more info:

There aren’t any keys set up for the tracker pogo pins in the UE4 editor. You’ll have to manually bind actions to the inputs from either the SteamVR binding menu or by manually editing the files. Note that the binding menu is very buggy in the latest SteamVR beta.

If you instead want to use the OpenXR plugin, SteamVR does not support the pogo pin inputs in the Vive tracker extension yet, and the official Valve plugin requires a engine patch for 4.27.2.

So far my only working solution is to use version 4.24.
Is it possible to disable OpenXR? I thought SteamVR beta was running it automatically?

SteamVR supports both OpenXR and their legacy OpenVR API (although many features are still missing from their OpenXR implementation).

UE 4.27 still has both the legacy SteamVR (OpenVR) plugin and the new OpenXR plugin. Just disable the plugin you’re not using.