Vive Tracker Incorrect Orientation (by several degrees)

Hi all,

I’ve set up a Vive Tracker (3.0) with UE 4.25 to control a virtual camera that will hopefully match the orientation of my real-world Sony A7III. I followed this tutorial here:

The actual tracker works in UE, but I can’t get it to face towards the “front”, or more specifically, inline with the direction that my camera lens is pointing. I can get it somewhere close if I swivel the Tracker to the left.

Images here of what the tracker looks like on top of the camera.

Is it something to do with SteamVR? The off-axis direction that I swing the tracker to is sort-of inline with one of the base stations.

That end result looks like so inside of UE when I hit play.

Overall just very confused about how I can match the Tracker to the real-world camera position, and have it control the virtual camera (cinecam).

Thank you in advance for help. I am so very lost.

I am also stuck with this orientation issue and could not find any solution yet. Tracker appears to work find in Live Link XR but when used with Open XR Motion Controller it is rotated 90 in X.

Maybe if you were able to manage to fix this problem then please do share.
