Hi all,
I’ve set up a Vive Tracker (3.0) with UE 4.25 to control a virtual camera that will hopefully match the orientation of my real-world Sony A7III. I followed this tutorial here:
The actual tracker works in UE, but I can’t get it to face towards the “front”, or more specifically, inline with the direction that my camera lens is pointing. I can get it somewhere close if I swivel the Tracker to the left.
Images here of what the tracker looks like on top of the camera.
Is it something to do with SteamVR? The off-axis direction that I swing the tracker to is sort-of inline with one of the base stations.
That end result looks like so inside of UE when I hit play.
Overall just very confused about how I can match the Tracker to the real-world camera position, and have it control the virtual camera (cinecam).
Thank you in advance for help. I am so very lost.