Vive Mocap Kit - Support

it’s stretched to fit actor’s size. There is an option to disable scaling.

I just recommend to export everything to fbx and resave assets after that. It makes UE4 editor to save them.

Could you provide a log?

Unfortunately, the plugin was changed with no backward compatibility. Project for Valve SteamVR Input wasn’t updated as this plugin was now integrated with the engine. I recommend to use 4.24.

Sorry for delays. For more quick support, please contact me via e-mail:

[quote=“, post:326, topic:101951”]

it’s stretched to fit actor’s size. There is an option to disable scaling.

Hi, where is the option to disable scaling ?

[quote=“ssxx2, post:328, topic:101951”]

IN animation blueprint.

Hello, is the any tutorial to setup for Optitrack?. I started with Optitrack but the instruction in manual was too fragmented to understand .

“All SteamVR headsets are supported (Vive, Vive Pro, Index, Pimax). Note that old headsets (like Vive) and all trackers (with grey logo triangle) work with base stations v1.0. For newer headsets and trackers (with blue logo) you need BS 2.0.”

Hi, I have a Vive and a Vive pro headset with 2 Base Station 1.0

The first 2 trackers I bought are gray logo, third tracker is blue logo. Will it work?? I am deciding whether to buy your product or buy glycon VR and I will do mocap so I need to make sure this setup will work.

Thank you.

I think the color doesn’t matter as long as your SteamVR can use all 3 base stations for tracking. Does it?

Add OptitrackRigidBody components to your pawn.
In BeginPlay, call CaptureDevice::InitializeInputFromComponent with array of optitrack components as input paremeter.

Trackers with grey and blue logos should work with Base Stations 1.0.

Color or Vive Trackers corresponds to supported version of base stations. If I remember correctly, grey trackers don’t work with BS2.0. And you can’t use more then two BS1.0 or more then four BS2.0.

Is there anything that can be done about the time limit?

Yes, of course. Window -> Cinematics -> Sequence Recorder -> “Sequence Recording” rollout -> Default Animation Settings structure. You can set maximum length and desired sample rate. Then, restart editor.

I submitted update today with support of two trackers per bone. You’d also need to download new version of demo project (only 4.24).

I’ve disable scale follow your instructions in animation blueprint. but, my role still be distorted ~~ It look like set my role as high as Mannequin

What’s real size of your mesh (if you placed it on level from the Content Browser)?

UPD. Never mind, i found a bug. Will resubmit update today.

The real size of my mesh is in the middle of the Image. It looks very high, but it’s just a big head :slight_smile:

Update is in Launcher already. Does it work now?

Hi, I update the plugin, but my mesh is still be scaled same as before~~
(The tool set my mesh as high as Mannequin , and I have already disable scale in Anim Bp)
Do we need any additional settings?
Or, Shall we send my mesh to your email ?
(it is use the same Skeleton as Mannequin)
and what is your email, thank you~

Is default mannequin scaled too?
Yes, please write at e-mail for quick response:

Hi again ,

i have a problem with the mocap data that i have captured and then exported from UE4 as .FBX, then imported into my own project and then retargeted the animation to my own character, but his feet now appear to be sliding around all over the place?

I have recorded a youtube video for you to look at here:-

any help would be greatly appreciated please! Thanks :slight_smile:

*** EDIT *** It’s ok i found it. I just needed to capture without the root motion and after that the retargeting worked out ok without sliding. Thanks :slight_smile: