Visuals look drastically different in the editor than they do in game.

I’m wondering if anybody else has experienced the same issue as I have. For some reason the way the game looks is very different in game than how it looks in editor.
I am working with post-processing volumes to get the atmosphere looking the way I want it, but it doesn’t seem to matter what I do because everything changes when I launch a session. Post-Processing is doing something, as I can detect some chromatic aberration that I’m introducing, but the overall effect seems marginal.
Surely this must be a bug of some kind.

In Game - No Post-Processing

In Editor - No Post-Processing

In Game - With Post-Processing

In Editor - With Post-Processing

Hi, @Tasty_Snak - I’ll get someone to take a look.

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@Tasty_Snak, would you mind letting us know what your Engine Scalability Settings and Preview Platform are set to? In the upper right corner of the editor look under the Settings menu:

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Additionally, it’d be helpful to see your In Game graphics settings so that we can compare against those in editor to help isolate the issue.


I ve had a similar issue, its due to volumetric lighting being forced in the TODM, even if you don’t see it in UEFN. Turning the TODM manager to off fixes the issue, but all the nice optimizations of FN go away with it, so we need a way to turn it off with the fn TODM active.

The black ceiling is again a TODM issue out of our control, FN creates shadows when normal tangents are not aligned or when there are planes (meshes) and there is no setting to turn it off. Again, it goes away if you turn off the TODM manager in world settings.


@jay_villanueva My Engine Scalability settings are exactly the same as the screenshot you showed, and my Preview Platform is set to PC D3D SM5.

@lonnald Here are screenshots of my current in Game graphics settings.

@Wertandrew I think you are right, at least for when I am using post-processing. When I don’t use a post-processing volume the lighting still looks different in game.
I turned off the Time Of Day setting and added a Directional Light, Sky Atmosphere, etc. and things are looking more consistent with the post-processing volume.
The trouble for me now is the lighting being blown out in the distance, and as the player approaches it gets culled. I don’t know enough about what’s happening in order to fix it, so I might just have to settle with keeping TOD switched on for now.

In Editor - No Post-Processing

In Game- No Post-Processing

In Editor - With Post-Processing

In Game - With Post-Processing

Perfect, progress! I think now what is happening is that the post process volume you add overrides the default lumen settings which makes it look consistent. Also keep in mind that in game you dont have lumen enabled but in UEFN you do (High setting enables lumen iirc), which is why without a post process volume you see a difference.

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Also keep in mind that in game you dont have lumen enabled but in UEFN you do (High setting enables lumen iirc), which is why without a post process volume you see a difference.

Yeah I think this is at least part of the reason you’re seeing differences between editor and game. In editor, High scalability and up will enable Lumen. In game, it is a separate toggle that I believe you can only change from the front-end lobby.

Keep in mind that if you do disable the TODM, we’d generally recommend using the Environment Light Rig instead of loose light actors. It will provide you with the same auto exposure correction based on scalability that the TODM provides. If you still want to use loose light actors, then that scalability functionality can be placed using the LumenExposureManager.

I’ll need to talk to a colleague about the volumetric lighting and black ceiling.

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Correct. too many variables to get it but I will try to explain as best I can.

  1. Open Fortnite, in graphics settings enable Nanite and make sure DX12 and all settings are like you want them.

  2. Exit Fortnite and open UEFN. IF you are using TODM, make sure you also are using, “Day Sequence Device” this will allow you to control the TODM intensity, trigger volume, sunlight, fog, skylight etc.

  3. “TODM” and “Environment light rig” already has a few skymaps/cubemaps to avoid the black ceilings with an ambient light. you could make your own and replace it if you want to achieve a certain look but I believe only in the “Environment Light Rig”

If you decide to not use the “TODM” or the “Environment Light Rig” I recommend you use the “Lumen Exposure Manager” to set your look for Lumen and Non Lumen looks. These come prewired in the devices.

And if you want to add your own PPV make sure you check the priority on yours versus the prewired ones in the “TODM” or the “Environment light rig” so they override the priority on the devices.

I hope this helps @Tasty_Snak .

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How can we find out the priority of the TODM? Is it world settings? Didn’t know we can override it, this is what I see:


I think any PPV will override the TODM since it has lower priorities built into it.

Or you can use the “Lumen Exposure Manager” even though it was not designed to do this specifically. but it will override the TODM PPV settings because it basically 2 PPVs, one for Lumen and one for Non Lumen scalabilities and it has a priority of 10.


Thanks everyone! I’m not familiar with the Environment Light Rig or the Lumen Exposure Manager, so I’ll have a play around and see how I go. I’ll keep you all updated with my results.

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Hello again! I just thought I’d update you all on my progress. What I ended up doing was working solely with the Environment Light Rig and a Post-Process Volume and I am now getting some pretty consistent results.
Unfortunately, my rig was performing like a potato on such high settings, so I clicked Auto in the Engine Scalability Settings to let it decide what would work best and did my best to mimic those settings in game.

Here are some screenshots showing a few different times in the day/night sequence and some indoor lighting shots, both in game and in the editor.

I also want to thank everyone for their input. I appreciate all your help.


@Tasty_Snak great to hear you found the advice helpful.

If you don’t mind, I have a few questions for you:

  1. What GPU are you working on?
  2. How does it look when you switch Global Illumination to high both in game and in Editor?
  3. Can you see in your graphics settings “Enable Hardware Ray Tracing”?
  4. Can you send a new screenshot of your current in game graphic settings?

@Carlos.Cristerna Absolutely!

  1. I’m using an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660

  2. I did my best to mimic the same time of day. With Global Illumination set to High instead of medium it just seems to be affecting the editor, which is noticeably brighter, particularly in an indoors or underground environment.

  3. No, I don’t see “Enable Hardware Ray Tracing” anywhere.

Yeah you won’t have Ray Tracing on a GTX card, Its built into RTX cards (IE RTX 20xx 30xx 40xx series) but i’m glad to see UEFN run on lower end hardware with much success so i can tell people getting into it what to expect in terms of hardware

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Thank you @Tasty_Snak

Yeah, because you are on an older GPU you are not getting Hardware Raytracing.
Well, but you made it work which is a win.

Let us know if you need any more help.

Thanks Carlos, I will. I look forward to eventually upgrading my system so I can take advantage of some of those high end features.

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