Visualize DOF in game(Advance)

Hello mate, i want to visualize Depth of Field layer in game, just like the one in the editor:

Thank to svv3dUDN in this [question][2] and follow his blueprint, i manage to do this:

And now, i am stuck at how to change the width of the middle region (aka the focal region)? I can modify the distance between my current camera and the middle region just fine. And also can i improve the quality of my DOF visualize, make it less rough on the edge and less ugly? Thank you all very much.

I’m a bit confused, you’re visualizing the DOF with a blendable instead of using the built-in visualizer?

To show the built-in visualizer (UE 4.6.1):
In your viewport click Show > Visualize > Adaptive Depth of Field

Well, i want to visualizing the DOF in-game, and so far i have manage to turn the visualizing on/ off, modify the distance between focal region and camera, but then i stuck at how to change the width of focal region. Sorry for confused you, hope you didn’t use any attack and hit yourself.


I try to use SCurve node and get this.

You need adjust parameters in Depth Fade node and Power parameter in SCurve node for your scene.

Fade Distance parameter moves “Black zone” farther or closer