Visual Studio extremely slow - freezing at times - after uupgrading project to UE 5.5

I have a project using blueprints and C++ that I have recently upgraded from UE 5.1 to UE 5.5.

The project opens and works in the editor however, when I open the project solution in Visual Studio, Visual Studio works extremely slowly, to the point of freezing every few seconds. Notably, this never happened before upgrading from UE 5.1.

I have checked the task manager and is not a laptop resources problem, nothing spikes to 90-100% use.

I’m currently using Unreal Engine 5.5.1 with Visual Studio 2022 17.12.3.

I had similar issues lately and moved away from visual studio to rider. Its also free and it’s autocompletion seems to work faster as well too.

It’s worth noting that Rider is not free to use commercially.

@LitwiVS, I’d recommend using UE 5.4 with VS 2022 17.8 (as it’s the officially recommended VS 2022 version for UE 5.4)

Do you have a specific reason to use UE 5.5? If you don’t, you won’t gain anything from using the latest engine version. You might even wanna use even older versions than UE 5.4! Which engine version to pick entirely depends on your project’s needs.

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It was mainly to use the latest version available, but I will try with version 5.4 and VS 2022 17.8 and see if that works better, thank you for the help

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Like I said, that’s not actually the way to go. If your project isn’t utilizing the features UE5 provides, instead of using the older versions of it, you can even use UE4!

If you want to, you can explain what you have in mind either from here or via the private messages if you’re not comfortable enough :blush:

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I’m developing for Android and I was following the Google Play Store latest guideline requirements Android Support for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation | Epic Developer Community

The relevant snipet from that page is:

After August 31, 2024, Google Play Store requires apps to target Android 14, which requires API level 34. To publish new apps on the Google Play Store after this date, you must update to UE 5.4.4 for target SDK 34 support. Apps built with previous versions of UE will no longer submit successfully. For more information, see the Android documentation on Google Play’s target API level requirement.

Since I was upgrading I thought going for the latest version was perhaps a better way to go looking forward, but given it’s not working I’ll try with 5.4 as you suggested

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Just to close the thread, using UE 5.4.4 with VS 2022 17.8 worked.

Had a few problems along the way with upgrading to 5.4.4 but once the project was working in UE, Visual Studio started working fine without the slowness or the freezing before.

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