In short: breakpoints aren’t working, VS2017 says “This breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.” and doesn’t hit the breakpoints at all.
Detailed: Never had any problems with that before to be honest, I tried VS2017 some time before on older versions of the engine and debugging was fine.
Currently I have VS2015 and VS2017 installed.
On VS2017 I have game development packages installed (using VS installer).
The project I’m trying to debug is converted to newer version from 4.18.
I tried creating fresh and clean C++ project, but the breakpoints aren’t working there either.
If I look into Modules tab, there is indeed no sign of the current project’s pdbs/dlls loaded at the moment, only the engine and the system ones.
So Visual Studio hasn’t even tried to load debugging information for the project for some reason, despite it exists (and perhaps built) in the Binaries/Win64 folder (dll and pdb files).
Configuration is set to DebugGame Editor, project compiles, starts and executes debugging just fine.
I tried to remove folders Binaries, Intermediate and 2 others, didn’t help.
Full cleanups of the project and recompilations, obviously.
Raised a manual exception (by calling throw at the convenient place) - Visual Studio traced the code to the place where an Actor receives update in the engine code before the project’s, 2 stack calls before the KernelBase.dll, the closest of them being UE4Editor—Win64-DebugGame.dll! (yes, I used hot reload for this). It didn’t pick up the needed .pdb file automatically.