I’m currently developing a tool in Unreal 4.10 for a project, and I was hoping to utilize the Visual Logger system built into Unreal. Unfortunately, there isn’t much resource and documentation as far as how one uses the Visual Logger, here’s a list of all the helpful links I could find regarding this subject:
ENABLE_VISUAL_LOG GrabDebugSnapsho - Documentation Feedback - Unreal Engine Forums
Visual logger. Location. What does a Red arrow & a sphere mean? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums
. . . and that’s about it.
I got as far as getting the Visual Logger to draw out the information I need, and it runs fine outside the build except for one thing, the 3D mesh vlog macro.
For one, that macro is likely broken, as I am unable to use it directly, instead I am using the code that the macro wraps. . .
FVisualLogger::GeometryShapeLogf(. . .)
Two, when I run this code on a Package Build, it doesn’t seem to work. It works in the Editor, it works in Standalone game, but when I build and run it, the mesh is not saved in the vlog binary.
I guess my question is: What should I be doing to properly store the 3D mesh data into the visual logger?
I’m hoping to reach anyone who has experience with this Visual Logger, to tell me that this can’t be done, or that this is in development, or that the macro is doing something important that I’m not aware of.