I am having a heck of a time trying to make a simple material on my foliage fade out as it approaches its maximum cull distance. I have researched this problem as extensively as I know how and I haven’t found anything that was helpful. The closest I got was this thread: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xiM8G3RQgpeWx4zx3SFCnj6TfhFZHvP2
I used the thread to create the following below. I am close but I am having some crazy visual glitches when the opacity on my trees are high. It doesn’t have anything to do with the mesh itself as I tried on a default cube as well but it gave the same effect. Also not the lighting as I tried doing it in a default level and same effect. Surely there must be a simpler way to use the “Per Instance Fade Amount” node? For reference, my foliage is placed with the foliage tool on a simple floor and I have set its minimum cull distance to 2000 and its maximum cull distance to 10000 in the foliage settings.
Material setup:
Here is a video of the visual glitch I am getting:
The problem is most noticeable when standing still.
Oh, another super strange thing. When I am in the editor and just zooming around with the camera, the material fades out perfectly. Only when I PIE does it do this crazy visual glitch. Maybe that will help narrow down the issue. I appreciate your time and help.