I converted my 4.27 project to 5.0 by following the official guide.
The first thing I did was change to Lumen GI and reflections and enable Virtual Shadow Maps.
However everything still behaves as if I’m using cascade shadow mapping:
Cascade settings affect resolution and change on distance, no penumbra etc.
All lights are moveable.
Could there be any settings that I am missing?
I ran into the same issue, no matter the project setting or cvar setting I was not able to turn on virtual shadow maps.
So what I did to get virtual shadow maps to work
I created a brand new blank unreal engine 5 project and then open the 4.27 project and migrated the content folder to the new unreal engine 5 project.
This worked for me.
I was about to do the same thing, but first I thought about changing the RHI from default to DirectX12 and everything started working as expected.
Good catch! I did not see that RHI was set to default instead of directx 12
It looks like I’m not the only one who can’t use virtual shadow maps. I think it’s a BUG after the update
I’m pretty sure virtual shadow maps do work, because when I turn them on, my shadows look like this:
Try converting this piece of Geo to a Nanite object and save and reopen. Also go through all the steps to get Lumen set up. There are a few steps to consider. This makes sure everything is playing right with each other.
I have the same issues.
Due to ue5.0.2 performance impact on mass foliage, I ture off virutal shadow map… and can not turn it back on anymore.
The 5.0.2 project failed to turn on virutal shadow map, even I upgrade the project file to 5.1(I have build 5.1 form github, and successly use its new feature, nanite foliage in a new 5.1 project with lumen and virutal shadow map. Amazing!)
Guess a new project is needed.
But if you enable virtual shadow maps that’s a global setting, so while it might work for nanite meshes it will create horrible artifacts for skeletal meshes, to the point that they are pretty much unusable!
Ah yes. I did not get this was an arm. My bad. I was answering questions like a bot LOL