View models not updating in game


Previous to this update sometimes when joining in progress for a map the viewmodels for widgets would not update, now after this update this seems to be happening majority of the time and is unplayable for maps that use custom health widgets.

Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?


Steps to Reproduce

Make a map with a view model that uses player name or health, and make a Priv code and have your friend join the game in progress.

Expected Result

I expect for the view model to work 100% of the time as its essential for player info

Observed Result

you will see that a lot of the time the view model just doesn’t update/doesn’t assign to them.



Island Code

2036-0111-5316 , 2229-0002-0277


FORT-855871 has been created and its status is ‘Unconfirmed’. This is now in a queue to be reproduced and confirmed.