view distance, material,

Hey guys i made some leaf for my tree and i used masqued material and my problem is that if the leaf on the texture are to thin the leaf of the tree dont render from a certain distance i post under example

here with another texture mask with big leaf

Can i swap mat from a certain distance or is there another solution, im a newbie, i dont know if lod can help dont know how all of this work

if the leaves are 2d then it could be swapping to lower quality mip maps as your distance increases. You could go into the texture and set mipmap generation to none and it would make it certain if that is the case.

It could also be automatic generation of level of detail.

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i set mip map generation to absolute 0 thx ! another and last question do u think there will be a lot off performance impact and potential issue from this solution considering this is just for this texture and there will be alot of instanced tree like that?

You could try checking the mipmap options for a suitable version now that you have the problem narrowed down.

Perhaps mipgen settings => unfiltered could work

In the advanced part of level of detail for the texture you have “Downscale Options” this is where I would test if tweaks can get it to look better. (I’d try unfiltered or simple average).

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Well, now i have the same problem but the same solution does’nt help anymore.

Now that i did my foliage and leaf with this masked method i tried to do the same result but this time with an opaque mask and nanite. Since 5.1 will release with world position offset and im interessted in nanite foliage and that work pretty well but i have the same problem like my mesh disapear at a certain distance and i tried to do the same technique with setting absolute 0 for the mip map of the texture but didnt change anything

ps : i didnt change my current version just anticipating a bit and test without worldposition offset shading

Could it be lod kicking in at that point?

i dont know but even if the disparition is quick its not an instant vanish like a classic lod, even if im a noob im assuming with lod it disapear instantly since its one of the good thing of nanite

arf maybe

thats pretty* brutal lod kick in at a certain range even with nanite activated ?